Thursday, August 18, 2011

Alphabe-Thursday (R)

Jenny Matlock

I ran across this blog Meme today, and thought it would be really fun to join in, so here goes...

First of all, the Meme is hosted by Jenny Matlock, over at "Off On my Tangent".

Today's letter is R...

R, puts me in mind of RELATIONSHIPS...

I especially love sibling relationships!

All four of my kiddos together

Middle Brother, Little brother

Oldest & Youngest

Brother & Sister

My brother and I...

Then, there is the special relationship between a father and daughter...



  1. Although we don't always see eye-to-eye, I don't know what I'd do without my brothers.

  2. A happy family. We have six grandsons and one grandaughter ages range from 17 to 5 months. It is so funny to watch the older boys caring for the 5 month old girl. Cherish the pics and the memories. Kids grow up too fast!~Ames
    P.S. Love your blog design.

  3. family relations are awesome to think about.

    bless you and your family.

    have a profound Friday!

  4. It was sweet to see Daddy and daughter crashed on the couch. That sight is not uncommon here, but it as my four youngest are 2-8 yo, it's not unexpected. To see a Dad and daughter still so close and comfortable as she gets older is special indeed, and quite an accomplishment. My 20 yo son still calls me at least once a day, sometimes more, even though he has moved out and has his own business that keeps him hopping (he's a farrier). I feel very blessed by that and hope my others will be the same way, though I don't know where I will find all the time to be on the phone!!

    Thanks for following me. I followed you back. Welcome to the Crew. It's my second year and last year was a blast.



    PS My hubby is from Texas, too.

  5. cute kids!

    just want to say thanks for visiting my alphabe-thursday.

    have a lovely day.

  6. What a beautiful, poignant post.

    Your family is lovely and your captures really made my heart smile!

    Thanks for sharing your family this week for the letter "R" on Alphabe-Thursday!



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